понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

chicken cooking temperature

Ah.....Iapos;ve done nothing all day. Bludged around in bed until midday, had a lovely bath, and am now catching up on rally spain because i ran out of time to actually sit down and watch it. This will be followed by rally corsica.

iapos;m also fixing up my cv, and possibly putting in some applications.

wow. Neglected this page for awhile. Have finished spain and moved onto France

Itapos;s a rather dreary day, and Iapos;m going to attempt heading out in the evening and going to do some writing, but then again, I can also do that tomorrow after work...
weapos;ll see. In the meantime, iapos;m finishing up last weekapos;s reviews and just doing some plain tidying up of everything....like booking the final 2 days for new york and possibly investigating rally GB a little further.

what else? maybe finish off watchmen - itapos;s pretty good. And now I remember which page I wanted to look at - play.com i keep opening a new tab and forgetting why

Hee...everyone is crashing. And not one of them is Chris Thatapos;s a surprise

hm.....british airways...do i want a special meal on my flight?????

ooh went to lisaapos;s for dinner on saturday, which was fun we watched ghostworld and had a delicious dinner.
yesterday magda cancelled again in me, so i went out to celebrate diwali in the square with ziz and gin - which was fun, we danced, we had lassi and samosas, and i checked out hot indian boys. Hee.

heh....a recap of corsican crashes...oh the memories.....

mmm....tea time.
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

australian possums pictures

This spine-chilling survival horror game is set in a mysterious castle that has become a prison for two innocent characters -- an orphaned young girl named Fiona and a white shepherd dog. Though Fiona is a physically weak character, she must use her wit and cunning to unravel the castleapos;s puzzles and figure out what is happening and why. Together with the dog named Hewie, she must utilize each otherapos;s strengths if they hope to escape from their horrifying surroundings and the deranged man stalking them named Debilitas. Haunting Ground was released in Japan under the title Demento.

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What addons does everyone use?

Mine --

Auctioneer -- For deciding if I should sell or auction, and trying to buy low sell high
Titan Panel - Shows a couple handy extra things - gold on server, durability, coords, etc
Gatherer - Shows where youapos;ve minded/herbalized/etc before so you can see if a node is up
Quest Helper - Shows you where to go for missions so you donapos;t have to thottbot everything

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

flat in nw8 rent

Jack and I just got back from a morning spent at the dog park. The cool weather is welcomed and such a treat on a Saturday.

The park was pretty packed today, even for a Saturday. Spending time at the park makes you believe that dogs really do have personality. One can even go so far as to say that there are dog park "cliques". These cliques sometimes have non-personality factors like breed and size but in general it seems personality is the driving factors when dogs "buddy up".

One of the more entertaining dog park cliques is who I like to call the "squirrel patrol". These dogs are usually beagles or some kind of hound dog, but of course there is always the exception. The squirrel patrol ignores everything around them and gives the poor furry bastard their undivided attention. These guys run from tree to tree together just waiting for the squirrel to take one misguided step and fall to its doom. Of course, I've only heard stories of this actually happening and have yet to watch the squirrel patrol be rewarded for its diligence.

Next, you've got the tennis ball enthusiasts. These guys are the jocks of the dog park. They chase after each ball with vigor and unparalleled athleticism. They leap feet in the air to catch the ball post bounce and are usually the attention-grabbers with compliments of "oohs" and "ahs" in their direction. I'm proud to say Jack falls into this rambunctious crowd and I've been told to put him in some sort of agility or dog sport because he's so quick. (But that's for another post.)

Then, of course, there are the bullies. What society would be complete without these dominant dogs? These guys may not be aggressive in nature but they do have a need to show their influence over other dogs. Canine bullies usually pick on specific dogs and push them around or mouth them - anything to say "hey I'm bigger than you, watcha gonna do about it?" Which leads us into our next group...

The pushovers. These pups are distinguishable because they fall on their backs the second they feel a strong sniff in their directions. These dogs are very sweet in nature and are usually very playful. No pun intended but these guys are more of the "laidback" bunch. Jack does not fall into this category (unfortunately) because he gives some pretty bold barks when a dog gets too much into his face.

And lastly are the "mommy's boys" or "daddy's girls". These dogs don't seem to notice they are in a park and stick very closely to their human parents. These are the dogs under their parent's chair or on their lap. Mommy's boys and Daddy's girls don't usually socialize with other four-leggers and are more content dog watching with their human companions. I can just picture these dogs following their owners from room to room at home. It's great they're so attached but it makes me wonder if these dogs are even aware of their non-human status.

Anyways, I'm sure there are more cliques that I haven't noticed but I'll definitely get back to yall on that.
Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday.

Chi Jack

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

aerion supersonic business jet

This isnapos;t about westies, but rather dogs in general.
how common is it for dogs to die during/after being spayed or neutered?

a lady i know took her 2-year-old pug, boomer, to the vet to be neutered. The vet called her today saying he woke up from the anethesia an hour after being finished, gasped for air like he was having a heart attack, then died. From what i understood, she said the vet was really trying to make it seem like he had a heart attack or something. Could it have been that they gave him too much anesthesia?

i donapos;t see how a 2 year old pug could have a heart attack when he had no previous issues.

i just really feel bad for her because she has 2 daughters who loved him very very much and has to explain it to them.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.


Hi Rick -

Hope you are doing well. We are planning a series of late night after parties for the band STS9, who is playing the Tabernacle over New Years weekend, on December 28, 29, 30, and 31.

Would Spring 4th be available for late night shows on these nights?

We would be hoping to rent your space from midnight to 6am each of the four nights. We would expect a good response from the STS9 crowd - last year we sold out two nights at the Apache Cafe for similar events.

Please let me know if this could be a possibility, I would love to move forward with you as soon as possible.

Giddy? yesss Giddy
adgersperf.com, adgerson, adgers.

copthall school mill hill

Op zaterdag 1 november 2008 wordt in Villa Lilla, In de Betouwstraat 9, Nijmegen het jaarlijkse GoBi herfstfeest gehouden. Het is het grootste en gezelligste bi feest in Nederland

Tevens zal op die avond de Bi-award worden uitgereikt aan een persoon die zich de afgelopen tijd verdienstelijk heeft gemaakt voor de biseksuelen in Nederland.

13.00 uur:

Orpheus holebi-wandeling van Nijmegen naar Groesbeek. Nadere info zie

16.00-17.30 uur:

- Workshop zelfverdediging door Ilia. Nadere info volgt.

- De Grote Tweewalletjesquiz door Edwin den Boer. Het is deels satirisch van
aard, maar je krijgt er ook de gelegenheid om vooroordelen en voorkeuren te

- Tussenbalans LNBi en de bi-beweging in bredere zin; waar staan we en hoe
gaan we verder? (vervolg op beleidsweekend van eind maart jl.)

18.00 uur:

Potluck, gezamenlijk een lekker hapje eten in de Villa. Iedereen neemt zelf
iets lekkers mee. Ideaal om kennis te maken en bij te praten, immers later
op de avond wordt de versterker iets verder opengedraaid.

20.30 uur:

Feest tot 02.00 uur, mogelijk later. Met o.a. DJ DNA en twee verrassende

21:00 Uitreiking van de Bi-award

*We verzamelen om 13 uur op het NS-station aan de stadskant op de trappen.
Als iedereen er is drinken we eerst een kopje koffie en vertrekken dan voor
de wandeling. Zorg dus dat je iets gegeten hebt of neem zelf iets mee
aangezien we rond half twee willen vertekken. Tussendoor drinken we nog
ergens iets. Na de wandeling rond een uur of 17/18 uur gaan we gezamenlijk
wat eten. Daarna is er gelegenheid om gezamenlijk te gaan stappen. Graag
voor 26 oktober doorgeven of je mee gaat wandelen, of je ook mee gaat eten
en of je ook mee wilt gaan stappen. Je kan je opgeven op
holebi@orpheushulpverlening.nl. Bij vertraging kan je op de dag zelf bellen
naar telefoonnummer 06-55745639.

Het Herfstfeest wordt gehouden in Villa Lila, In de Betouwstraat 9, Nijmegen
(centrum). De entree is E7,00 voor leden van LNBi en/of COC, niet-leden
E9,00. De workshops zijn gratis.

Vooraf opgeven voor de workshops is aan te bevelen; het aantal plaatsen is
beperkt en op de dag zelf loop je het risico dat ze al volgeboekt zijn.
Opgeven kan bij frankvdh@lnbi.nl. Ook zoeken we nog mensen die
slaapgelegenheid willen aanbieden aan gasten die van ver komen. Ook dat kun
je melden op genoemd mailadres.

adiemad, copthall school mill hill.