понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

city of smyrna georgia

Fuck my life.
10 page research paper on alcohol due Tuesday.
Comparative religion test on Wednesday.
Bio test on thursday.
Welcome to Hell Week.

On�a brighter note: home on thursday ngiht, if not friday.
Too bad by the time i get there I will be exhausted.

Last night was a good time.
Went to Cheesecake Factory with Kaye, Becca, and Kaitlin.
trhen back to their dorm to play some drinking games...went to Chads house, saw joe =] brittany officially hates me, sorry i didnt know u were fuckin him u dumb bitch.
warren picked us up went to the sigma chi party, it was lame, went back to where we were, and warren drpped me off at the dorms. It was a good night of drinking, nothing exciting happened though.

i dont want this week to start. =[

city of smyrna georgia, city of smyrna police department, city of smyrna tax, city of smyrna tennessee, city of smyrna tn.

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